here we have excellence. Macey's stop smoking/stop polluting relief etching... print darker; plate lighter .
okay's the scoop...
gallery 555 in detroit.
a. the Posada relief etching that was assigned last six weeks. do end of this six weeks! edition of ten and plate to be turned in the monday or tuesday of the last week of six weeks.
(hard to say with the ice day make-up days)
We are getting some very good results...check these out .... YOU ROCK MACEY!!!
one on the left is the print, one on is the right plate.. what an excellent example of relief etching and strong yet humorous issue as the master our inspiration Posada! There are some excellent prints and plates being created.. check your classmates' work out... really good prints happening out there.
b. the reduction linoleum print for the print exchange with Iowa State.
edition of 14(minimum) to be sent through the mail after I grade them. this can happen no later than march 12th before spring break. 13 go through the mail to the school. the 14th is for me.
you might want to print a larger edition so that you can exchange prints with fellow students.
I am asking for a minimum donation of $1.00 to send to Iowa State to help with postage.
please consult print out..
(remember you each received one...put here it is again)
reminder: we are the only high school participating; once again raise the are showing work with university print students and the exchange is sponsored by one of the top printmaking departments in the U.S.A.
4 color minimum, i suggest cutting at least 20 pieces of card stock/tadboard.
size: 6"x4" water-base before oil-base,design, transfer with carbon paper,score lines, cut out whites, test print before starting on card stock every new day printing. keep pressure on the press light not to stretch linoleum, colors from light to dark, what video on in relief printing and there is a woman from England that does an outstanding job going through the process. Here's the exact info:
Please share information about this project with as many people as you can. We are sending this out with the hope that some of you faculty printmakers can work this into the plans for your spring 2011 print courses.
Iowa State University's Print Club is hosting the 11th Annual Postcard Print Exchange. Each year artists participate with entries from across the United States and as far away as Australia. This past year we received prints from 352 artists from 40 U.S. States and nine other countries. Please read the following prospectus and pass the information on. We are eager to continue to have this exchange grow. Thank you.
April Katz
The theme for this year’s exchange is “Apocalypse” in response to the hubbub about 2012. Feel free to interpret how you like, but a few ideas are Mayan calendar, Revelations, Nuclear Holocaust, Nostradamus, or Zombie Apocalypse.
1. Any printmaking technique may be used (woodcuts, lithography, intaglio, photography, silkscreen, digital printmaking, etc.)
2. Create 13 duplicate postcards, each must be 4” x 6”
3. The 13 identical prints should be sent individually to the address posted below. Each card must be stamped and will bear the markings of travel and the postal service. (Do not send the cards together in one envelope.)
4. Include the following information on the back of the card:
a. Your name and return address (legible please)
b. April Katz' address (details below)
c. Title
c. Process(es) used
d. Your e-mail (optional)
5. If you can, send (separately) a small donation of $8 ($4 for students) to help pay for postage. Checks payable to The University Print Society
Send postcard prints to:
April Katz
University Print Society
158 Design
Iowa State University
Ames, IA 50011-3092
ENTRIES DUE: March 30, 2011
After receiving everyone's postcard prints the University Print Society will divide up the cards and you will be sent 12 new and different prints from other participants. The University Print Society will keep one of the 13 for its collection. Postage for returning the 12 new prints will be paid for by the University Print Society, however your donation will help us out tremendously.
all students entering the class this six weeks will do this assignment. only students who have had advanced printmaking before will also do relief etching.
materials: something to clean with as usual. we are OK at the moment with paper towels, but are in desperate need for denatured alcohol and mineral spirits. Clorox wipes, and old sheets and towels, soap is good too. anything to help with YOUR studio.
we would like to thank the visual art guild for buying the zinc plates.
ALSO it's time to enter Y.A.T.! prints always do prizes!
the guild bought your plates.
we will have a materials check middle of the six sure you have your rubber gloves since we are working with acid bath and oil base inks!
so get with it. we have a great semester ahead of us!
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