Monday, November 17, 2008

due dates for the 3rd six weeks

All reduction prints need to be completed by December 15th and 16th depending on if you are in class A-day or B-day.
Two critiques or reviews are due by that day also.
The semester exam will be studio maintenance and all printmaking students will be required to post a minimum of two prints with a statement describing and explaining the prints. i.e. content and process.
We are having two interesting printmakers do workshops this week. As usual we are lucky to have John Vinclark from San Angelo State and Ron P. from Sante Fe. Please enjoy yourselves and make a few good prints.

Monday, November 10, 2008


DMA reception..... Friday November 21st 2008 - 7pm


copy of the critique can copy and excuses! 2 due each six weeks

Name: ___________________________________________ Print Level:___________ Class period: _______

Title: _________________________________________________________________
Artist: ________________________________________________________________
Media: _______________________________________________________________
Location of print. (Where did you find it?)_____________________________________

Just saying you like a particular print is not enough. In order to develop your critical
eye and explain your reasons, using the following steps of looking at art. Record the title of the print, type/technique of print and location of the work.

DESCRIPTION: Make a list of everything you can see in this print. Describe the piece and include size and technique.

ANALYSIS: Describe the work in terms of the elements and principles of design. What kind of plate, inking technique, paper and how were the marks the artist wanted to make controlled?

INTERPRETATION: Give meaning to the work of art. Was the type of print effective in creating the type of mark/image the artist intended? How large is the edition? Write a paragraph interpreting what you see.

JUDGEMENT: Write a closing statement describing the strengths and weakness of this print and how you do or do not find it inspiring.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

patiently waiting to see......

well, the DMA project now just needs to be installed. the reception date is still not a 100 % set date, but as soon as I know I will post the info.
we are going to do THE MESSAGE IN A BOTTLE event ..... print exchange, exhibition and sale.
we will start on this second semester immediately after finals. so i would start thinking about the messages you each individually want to send. remember it's an important decision, an opportunity to voice a message of meaning tied in with an image created for a cause.
( sounds awesome....)
i know Vaal technological university is participating for sure. i am hoping that brookhaven and uta will also. we are hoping that the elementary artists from the township outside of durban will also partake. the may be looking to us to help them fund their art 13 project which would also be a very worthy charity.
side note...remember all seniors and juniors to sign up for the 3 printmaking workshops November 20th and 21st. if you are planning on staying in the area, brookhaven, uta and university of Dallas have the strongest print programs it seems. twu has a great bookmaking and photo teacher. i believe printmaking professors from these schools will be reviewing portfolios these days also.

this Monday November 10th all students should be working on the plates of their new assignments! ( this is nothing new, i have individually reviewed and conferenced with all of you last week! no excuses!!!! )

2 new requirements for all printmakers beside intro students:
new writing assignment to begin this next 6 weeks. students will be expected to do two written reviews of prints from sites listed on this site. forms will be available in the classroom by the computer, and soon on this site as a download?! and all students will be required to upload their own prints at least once a semester.)